Friday, July 15, 2011

FCCCF Membership

It is time again to renew your FCC-CF membership, if you have not already.

Options to pay your FCC-CF membership dues for 2013 (if you haven't already- ask if you are unsure). Moon Festival will be a "Members" only event again this year. The dues are still only $25.00 per family for the year! All money is used to set up the monthly events (drinks, paper products, pavilion rentals, Moon Festival, etc.).
1.) Check, made payable to FCC-CF OR
2.) Paypal, see directions below
PAYPAL: I have set up a paypal account to receive payments for membership dues, CNY, and any other event with a fee. With this, you can send money directly from a credit card or paypal account to FCC-CF OR you can still send it via a check to Jean Dexter (all info is on the membership form).
To use paypal, go to their website , sign-in (if you have an account) and/or click "send money" (if you don't have an account), use the "friends and family" option (without account) or the "personal- money owed" option (with account), enter the dollar amount to be sent (ie: $25.00 for membership dues, etc.). BE SURE TO USE THE "GIFT" OPTION, or you will need to pay any additional feesSend to email address . Don't forget to put in a message (ie: membership dues for "your family name", or CNY for "your family name", etc.) so that we know what it is for. (call 407-927-9522 or email me if you have any questions)
I have attached the 2013 Membership Form (you only need to fill it out and send to Jean Dexter (all info is on the form) if:
1.)You are new; OR
2.)your infomation (address, email, phone, number of children, etc) has changed.
IT CAN BE SENT TWO WAYS: you can fill it out on your computer (it's a word doc), save it and email it to Jean or to this email OR you can print it and mail it to Jean (address is on the form).


Families with Children From China - Central Florida Chapter
Membership information:
Who can join Central Florida FCC?
The purpose of FCC is to provide a network of support and education for families who've adopted from China and to provide information to prospective parents. We also welcome organizations, family members and anyone else with an interest in China to join us.

Benefits of joining?
  • you will receive a Membership Directory
  • Discounts to Special Events – are just for FCC members only!!
FCC sponsors several special events throughout the year including Chinese New Year, Easter Egg Hunt, Moon Festival, and others. Fresh ideas and assistance are always welcome.
As a member, you and your children will be listed in the FCC directory making it easy to find families in your state, city, even your neighborhood. Plus, every listing includes each child's Province of origin, birth date and adoption date and agency. FCC policy ensures the FCC database, directories, and membership lists are for use only by FCC adoptive and prospective adoptive families.

How much does being an FCC member cost?
$25 a year payable in January of each year;
$250 for lifetime membership.

How do I become a member?
Joining is easy! Just print, fill out the application and mail it in with your check payable to the FCC Treasurer.

Mail to:
FCC Treasurer
398 Blythville Avenue
Deltona, FL 32725-9017
How many members?60± as of 2011.
Please e-mail the Membership Coordinator at

Copy, Paste The information below to email: 

 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION                               


1.                 Print this from, enter requested information and mail with a $25 check payable to:
2.                 FCC-CF Membership, 398 Blythville Avenue, Deltona, Fl 32725-9017
3.       Questions?  E-mail Jean Dexter:   
--An opportunity for your children and parents to make new friends                              
--Special planned events planned the third weekend of every month (unless specified)
--Access to an FCC-Central Florida Membership Directory




                      China Adoptive Family_______
                      Waiting Family_____________                                                           
                      FCC Organization___________
                      New Member______________


Are you an adoption agency/professional or other organization?
                        (If yes, please indicate)______________________

FCC-Central Florida Directory

Do you wish to be included in the FCC-Central Florida Directory?  Yes_______  No_______                                    
            FCC-CF database, directories and membership lists are for he sole use of FCC-CF adoptive and prospective adoptive families.  They may not be used for commercial or any other purposes without the written consent of the FCC-CF Board.  Directories are made available only to the families listed in it.
Parent’s name(s)________________________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________________________


E-mail address(es)_______________________________________________________________

Phone(s): Home_________________Work_________________Mobile____________________

Children (Please also include birth children.  Use additional paper if necessary.)

Name(s)                     Birth date               Adoption Agency        Adopted from          Agency

Volunteering:(Select first and second choice:)

The events we hold each year rely on volunteers to help plan and staff.  We ask that every member consider volunteering so that work is distributed throughout our membership.  Please indicate your first and second choice for helping in any of the following events:

Chinese New Year Celebration______________

Easter Egg Hunt_______________

MoonFestival Beach Weekend________________

Newsletter articles________________

Cultural research (to incorporate into events)_________________

Other Activites_________________

We give our (my) approval for my child’s picture(s) and first name to be used on the              FCC-Central Florida website:              Yes______   No________



Please send completed form to:

FCC-CF Membership                                     Please make check payable to:
398 Blythville Avenue                                    FCC-Central Florida
Deltona, Florida 32775-9017
                                    Questions?  Please contact:

                                    Membership Coordinator

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